Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder with Impulsivity and Hyperactivity

As is described in the DSM-IV, six or more of the symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity should have presented themselves prior to age seven. They should be present for greater than six months, causing mal-adaptation. They should also be presenting in more than one setting (i.e. home, and school). Symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity are listed in table # 2. Squirming with fidgeting, running and climbing, along with acting as though driven by a motor are a few of the most prominent symptoms. These students, because they lack expected social skills, usually fail to retain friends. They also have erosion of their self-esteem. There are several methods of identifying this condition, but the most useful is the Conners Rating Scale. It converts a subjective assessment into an objective, giving a numeric value to the condition, thus giving the therapist a concept as to the degree to which the student is being affected.

Squirms & Fidgets
Often leaves seat in classroom
Runs and climbs frequently
Difficulty engaging in leisure activity
Acts as if driven by a motor
Talks excessively
Blurts out answers
Cannot wait turn
Butts into conversations or games
Table #2