II. Characteristics

  1. Characteristics of the dyslexic student:
  1. lack of academic progress commensurate with potential
  2. characteristics of dyslexia or a related disorder
  3. adequate intelligence
  4. problems learning the letters of the alphabet
  5. difficulty in learning to write the alphabet correctly in sequence
  6. difficulty in learning and remembering printed words
  7. reversal of letters or sequence of letters
  8. difficulty in learning to read
  9. difficulty in reading comprehension
  10. cramped or illegible handwriting
  11. repeated erratic spelling errors
  12. the constitutional origin of the disability has been documented by ruling out all other possibilities.
  1. The following factors must not be considered to be the cause of the student's inability to read:
  1. the language difference
  2. inconsistent attendance
  3. lack of experiential background
  4. a brain insult, disease, or surgery

III. Preliminary Data Collection

  1. If a student experiences difficulty with reading and/or writing, the following steps are suggested:

IV. Student Performance

  1. Prior to placing a student in a Phase m program, the dyslexia designee will:

V. Speech and Language

  1. Students who are refereed to the speech-language pathologist and are subsequently identified as language delayed are at risk for reading difficulties (Not all students will be referred to the speech-language pathologist.) Additional data will be needed to determine the presence of dyslexia and related disorders.

VI. Intelligence Testing

  1. If the designee determines that a student has adequate intelligence based on the information collected, then it is not necessary to administer a test

VII. Special Education

  1. There will be some students with severe dyslexia or related disorders who will be unable to make adequate academic progress within any of the programs described above. In such cases referral to special education for a comprehensive assessment and possible identification as handicapped should be made as needed. Such referral would be accompanied by the written general and specific notices to the parents of federal and state rights for handicapped children and would follow all mandated procedures.