Many of the characteristics associated with dyslexia also are found in children with other specific learning disabilities or with speech/spoken language disorders. Some of the characteristics also may be present in some young children in the course of normal development. However, when these characteristics are not age-appropriate and interfere with learning, they may be symptoms of a language or learning disorder, including dyslexia and the child may need special assistance in academic or related areas.

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Characteristics that are associated with dyslexia include the following:

_____ Problems in learning the names of the letters of the alphabet
_____ Difficulty in learning to write the alphabet correctly in sequence
_____ Difficulty in learning and remembering printed words
_____ Reversal of letters or sequences of letters
_____ Difficulty in learning to read
_____ Difficulty in reading comprehension
_____ Cramped or illegible handwriting
_____ Repeated erratic spelling errors

Characteristics that may be associated with dyslexia:

_____ Delay in spoken language
_____ Difficulty in finding the "right" word when speaking
_____ May be late in establishing preferred hand for writing
_____ May be late in learning right and left and other directionality
            components such as up-down, front-behind, over-under, east-west and others
_____ Problems in learning the concept of time and temporal sequencing, i.e., yesterday-
            tomorrow, days of the week and months of the year
_____ Family history of similar problems

When these characteristics are not age-appropriate and interfere with learning, they may be symptoms of a language or learning disorder, including dyslexia, and the child may need special assistance in academic or related areas.